Joy Division was the band that meant most to me as a teenager. I bought Unknown Pleasures back in the beginning of 1980 and instantly felt that Ian speaked on my behalf. Ironically he died maybe a month later or so! I bought all their records and a few, at that time very expensive, bootlegs. And I've listened to that band ever since. It's therefore also kind of funny, to see how the teens of today also worship Joy Division.
Never saw the live - don't even think they ever played Denmark. But in 81 New Order was gonna play at legendary Saltlageret. Wow, I was gonna go. Didn't have money for the ticket, but the opening band called Tee Vee Pop let me in through the backstage entrance. But what a disappointment! The music was shit, the band had their backs to the audience and after 40 minutes they left and didn't come back for an encore. Well, maybe today seeing that concert again would make more sence.
Anyway, the movie is a must see for any serious music lover.
Official Control | Factory Records | 24 Hours Party People | Joy Division Tribute