Tokyo Sex Destruction: "5th Avenue South"
I picked this one up at a record fair as a promo for only 1,5 euro. Didn't really have a clue about the band, but I liked the cover. Now it's almost permanently placed next the CD player. Great album and great band from Spain. Cool if you dig garage rock in the MC5 meets The Hives way. Actually much more varied than Hives and with some surprisingly cool songwriting.
Blood Meridian: "Liquidate Paris"
I just love The Black Mountain Army and everything that comes off from their hands. The new Black Mountain is great, but thsi one is actually spinning more than "In the Future". It's so groovy and so laid back. It's psychedelic country rock and the songs are soft as bubblegum and yet with an sharp edge.
Atomic Workers: "Wall of Water Behind Me"
This is a trip to somewhere beyong your mind. This is the wildest dopeness. It's from the hands of former members of Sun Dial and That's All Folks. I still keep getting surprised about this record. It's a constant puzzle to my ears and mind. This is the stuff if you dig anything related to the term psyche ..
Tokyo Sex Destruction | Blood Meridian | Atomic Workers
Tokyo Sex Destruction | Blood Meridian | Atomic Workers