Hmmm ... the same old, same old story again. Beers and music and then off to town. This night we started out at Märkbar and had the female tender play some Buzzcocks. Then off to Blågårds Apotek and a meet-up with Karen and some other chick. We were already quite drunk and jazz with Jan Kaspersen and Nulle was no good. Then off to this place called Valhalla supposed to be a rock/metal bar just across the street to Apoteket. There was almost no other people than us. But they did play Guns 'n' Roses and had some Rochefort beers that tasted more than great. The girls came over and Lars bought 10 white Gajol shots. Then the girls left and we had to finish the shots and so on ... Then everything gets really, really blurred but after some discussion we headed for Louises - but it was closed. Then it was Temple Bar with Nanna behind the bar and I guess the DJ was someone from svingninger too?! Now exceptionally drunk we left Temple and Lars went home to Karen. I remember I came back to Temple and talked to Nanna, but I guess i was quite difficult to talk to ...? Hmmmm ... then the classic cheese burger and to bed.
Another fucked up night and now hangovers again. And who the fuck cares anyway??
Another fucked up night and now hangovers again. And who the fuck cares anyway??
Now listening to: Eartling Society downloads from their site
Märkbar | Blågårds Apotek | Valhalla | Temple Bar