February 23, 2008

Such Hawks, Such Hounds ... what is heavy?

Trailer for the up coming movie Such Hawks, Such Hounds featuring: Acid King, Bardo Pond, Comets On Fire, Dead Meadow, Fatso Jetson, The Hidden Hand, High On Fire, Mammatus, Nebula, Om, Pearls And Brass, Sunn O)))

"Such Hawks, Such Hounds explores the music and musicians of the American hard rock underground circa 1970-2007. Focus will be on the psychedelic and/or ’70s proto-metal-derived styles that have in recent years formed a rich tapestry of unclassifiable sounds. The film will chart the evolution of these styles and their creative components, while primarily serving as a character study of the musicians themselves—artists seemingly on the fringes of both straight society and hip indie circles. The filmmakers will show how these musicians work and live, and how they sustain careers outside the corporate rock mainstream. A picture will emerge of a vital art form built on accomplished musicianship and creative ambition—and a story that will appeal to viewers who like the music, and also those who don’t."

"Back in the Kyuss days, the term stoner rock didn't exist!" - Scott Reeder

John Srebalus
| Such Hawks, Such Hounds @ myspace