September 13, 2008

Beta Satan - (Drunk) Girls

Although the Danish “alternative” rock scene is mostly very predictable and pretty boring, one gets surprised from time to time. Listening to Beta Satan’s Girls for the first time was one of those nice surprises. Kind of: “Well, there’s still some hope left for the kids”. On the other hand I know that I’m a predictable old ignorant that hates almost anything hyped in the Danish mainstream press. Beta Satan is kind of an all-star band with members from Tiger Tunes and I Am Bones – two bands I have ignored completely! Anyway, this record is really cool aggressive synth driven guitar rock. Lot’s of punky attitude and snotty provocative lyrics. It’s really original, catchy and melodic. I like this a lot and find this record a fresh blow to the whining and boring Danish mainstream so-called rock. If this kind of music is gonna hit the charts and get some serious airplay at the major radio stations, I’ll clap my hands and piss my pants. I would love it if the sorry mainstream indie-kids and confused Volbeat “fans“ would turn their ears towards Beta Satan and went for more experimental rock like this. But hey, let’s put them down instead; don’t let them think they are better than us! Isn’t that what we usually do? It’s not that good! The record gets a bit boring at the end doesn’t it? Well, the Danish press has been full of 3 out of 6 ratings and conform reviews. So let’s get in opposition … it's a 5/5

Beta Satan @ MySpace Crunchy Frog Recordings