Sunday was the day of Motorpsycho! But first of all we were off to see the Dalí Exhibition. The weather was fucking cold, but who cares anyway! The exhibition was quite small but had some really cool items. Not the usual, usual stuff you’ve seen a million times but a lot of illustrations for cool books like Don Quixote and Don Juan. After this great experience we walked down to Brandenburger Tor and from there to Checkpoint Charlie. After that we had to go to Starbucks. This part of Berlin sucks big-time and we were really tired of watching any more stuff concerning the damn wall in a historical, and not least, political perspective! After getting back we ate at some nice small pakistanian restaurant and headed home and bought some bears to bring back to the hostel and drink before it was showtime. The doors were to open at 8 and concert start was set to 9. So we kind of rushed off again just to see a queue outside the venue. But hey, it's Berlin and there was a bar on the same corner where we hang out for a beer. Anyway, we went in to see the place and get acquainted with everything. Damn cool place I have to say. Perfectly shaped room for concerts and a long bar at the back. There was also a cool lounge out back with smoking permission. We met Norwegian Anders who told us they were gonna hit the stage at 9.30 so we hung out in the lounge drinking more beers. And then it was finally time! Wow, the room was boiling and the atmosphere was so nice. Some cool dude handed me a joint and that liftet everything even higher. The sound was perfect and the band just jammed along for 1,5 hours. After a short break they came back for an encore of maybe 20 min of “Little Lucid Moments” and after another break the came back in again. Some sang “Happy Birthday” for Bent Sæther and he told his friend had just died, so they would play ” The Golden Core” to honor his memory. That was very strong as the song got a much deeper meaning and more impact. Great show all the way and 145 min in all – great, I was amazed! We went back to the bar Zur Fetten Ecke and had some beers and drinks before heading back to bed. Great day…
Motorpsycho Lido Dalí Zur Fetten Ecke