My good friend Nils aka Bongz is running his own little booking business. Not that he in any way tries to make a living or even profit from this, he just do it for fun and to get some cool bands to play in Copenhagen. I on the other hand likes to make grafics in Photoshop and therefore I make his flyers and posters for the gigs. I'm really not very good at this, but I try to do my best and hopefully some of the stuff looks okay - even for a professional grafic artist. On friday Bongz' next arrangement is gonna be Asteroid (S), Graveyard (S) and Sedated Angel (DK). This is a really cool lineup and especially Sedated Angel is gonna be interesting. It's their fist time to do Copenhagen. The venue is called Dragens Hule (Dragons Cave) and is a very small place but with the most psychedelic atmosphere you can imagine. You can drink, smoke cigarettes and marihuanna and do as you like as long as you don't act like a fucker. No need to say, that this is not an official venue - it's actually not official in any way!
Doomed Denmark Asteroid at Myspace Graveyard at Myspace