Sedated Angel claims to be the dirtiest stoner rock band in Denmark – and they must be since there are so few bands left. But that said this 4 track promo actually makes promise of the dirtiest stoner rock ever made in Denmark! The band comes from Kolding/Fredericia and made their first EP back in 2005 without any real notice. To me this is a brand new acquaintance – and a damn good one. Sedated Angel plays fucking heavy stoner rock with lots of killer guitar work. After Gas Giant called it quit and Stefan Krey vanished it’s nice to hear some guys who knows how to make a baby cry. “Burn” is a straight ahead heavy rocker reminding of Ronja and with a twisted ending. The song “Numb” has a nice complex song structure and shifts between being relaxed and aggressive. It’s so cool to hear a band with so competent musicians. It’s a tight 18 wheeler heading out of the door. Yeah, put your brain on the grill and get down with this band. Only real weak point might be the vocals, but that’s the same old, same old with stoner bands. The two guitarists takes turns singing and has quite different voices. I like the style and the rawness so who cares if it’s not pretty voices - and how does pretty fit with dirty anyway? If you dig: Brain Police, Roadsaw, Ronja
Sedated Angel website Sedated Angel at Myspace WaterPunk Production